GarageExperts is a national franchisor that specializes in garage floor coatings, custom cabinetry, ceiling lofts and wall storage organizers designed to unclutter your garage.

Our GarageExperts franchises are specially-trained, independent companies who strive to unclutter your world by completing garage makeovers in as little as 1 to 2 days. They specialize in the installation of our high quality floor coatings, cabinets, slatwall, accessories and ceiling storage units.

GarageExperts is the first national company to manufacture both floor coatings and cabinets. In the 1990s, we were the first to introduce Roll On Rock®, a 2 day garage floor coating system (while others were taking 4+ days). And we eliminated most of the MVE failures by incorporating our proprietary wicking technology, which provides up to 3 times more adhesion than a standard epoxy. GarageExperts designed its coatings specifically for the garage floor coating installer and end user. Our systems will withstand up to 12 lbs of moisture vapor emissions, where others will fail at just 3 lbs.

GarageExperts has invested heavily to obtain a high tech cabinet manufacturing line using the finest European equipment to manufacture our line of European Style Cabinets. We maintain complete control over this process and have kept all of the manufacturing facilities here in the USA. GarageExperts does not import cheap cabinets from China.

We use environmentally preferred materials and European hardware that comes with a lifetime warranty.